2022 Christmas Game Bundle
Make your party come to life!
What's the Next Line?
With the prompting of a well known line, can you name the next line in a song - word for word?
For example: "Up on the housetop" . . . . or "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" . . .
Includes: Instructions/20 Song Questions/Answers
The Year of the Toy!
Players or teams simply guess the decade that 20 different iconic toys originally hit the market. Additional points are awarded if the exact year is guessed.
Includes: Directions/Game Sheet/20 Questions/Answer Sheet

Christmas True or False
How well do you know the obscure facts about Christmas?
For example . . . "Are poinsettias really deadly?" AND "Did George Washington like eggnog?"
Includes: 40 True / False Statements and Answer Cards.

Christmas with the Blanks!
Questions consist of a word followed or preceded by a blank.
For example: Christmas . (Eve, tree, card, carol, present)
Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Play continues until all answers are guessed.
Includes: Instructions/15 Questions
The Christmas Match Game
Fun, simple, & challenging for kids and adults! Print and cut out the 24 picture cards, shuffle, and place them face-up on a table. Take turns trying to match two cards to form a common Christmas item (ie. sleigh/bells, candy/cane) Allow 30 seconds per turn. When all items are solved, the player with the most points wins!